Lawar Lawar is Balinese traditional food, well-known in all over Bali and available in many Balinese restaurants. Lawar is mixed vegetable with chopped meat, vegetable, spices, and coconut which tastes is sharpened with natural flavors.
There are various Lawar based on the materials for composing the cooking, such as Red Lawar, and White Lawar which is a large part made of coconut meat, and other is vegetable and meat. The vegetables which can be cooked into lawar normally are young bean fruit and jackfruit. Pork lawar is made of pork meat while Jackfruit Lawar is made of jackfruit. There is also Padamare Lawar, made of many kinds of Lawar. Lawar is usually served with rice and other dishes. Lawar is the most favorite cooking during religious ceremony, family rituals or any family occasion. If there is a ceremony or any event of Bali tradition, Lawar is the first plan in cooking activity. |
Babi Guling |
Babi Guling is more well-known as ‘be guling’ in Bali. Actually, be guling can be made of other meats such as duck or chicken. Babi Guling is a kind of dish made of a whole suckling pig. It is cooked by taking out its whole bowel and stuffed the inside with spice paste and vegetables such as cassava leaf, then grilled and rolled over a charcoal made from dried coconut shells until it is well-done. Babi Guling was originally made as a ritual offering in Balinese traditional ceremonies as well as religious ceremonies. But nowadays, it can be found in many restaurants and certain hotels in Bali area. The most well-known Babi Guling is from Gianyar regency. |
Urutan Babi |  | Urutan is Balinese sausage. It is made of pig’s intestines, stuffed with pork meat and spice paste inside, and fried until it is brownish. Urutan is usually served with Balinese rice wine. | |
Sate (Satay) |
Sate is made of sea fish or turtle meat, green coconut, spices, and brown sugar. It is the traditional food of Tabanan regency, but it can be found in all over Bali. Sate is usually cooked over charcoal made from dried coconut shells, on a small ceramic grille, which gives them a delicious smoky and slightly charred flavor.
Sate is served as a dish as well as an offering in ritual ceremony. It is better served right after grilled (while it is still hot) and usually served with Lawar. It can last for only one day. |
Lempet (Pepes Ikan Tongkol) |  | Lempet is made of tuna or languan fish and spices, wrapped in banana leaf and grilled over charcoal made from dried coconut shells. Lempet is also known as Pésan or Pepes. It is served with rice and can last for 2 days. Lempet can be served as a dish in wedding ceremony and other ceremonies. | |
Ayam Betutu (Roasted Chicken in Banana Leaf) |
Ayam Betutu is made of chicken with spices inside. The spices consist of turmeric, ginger, kencur, galangal, onion, garlic, salam leaf, and chilies. All these spices are mixed and put inside the chicken. That is why it is called Ayam Betutu. Ayam Betutu is usually served in Balinese traditional ceremonies such as Odalan, Otonan, wedding ceremony, etc. |
Sate Languan | Sate Languan is made of sea fish, green coconut, spices, and brown sugar. It is a traditional food of Klungkung regency, but it can be found in all over Bali. Sate Languan is served in Balinese ritual ceremonies. It is better served right after grilled (while it is still hot). It can last for only one day. | |  | |
Sate Lembat (Lembat Satay) |
Sate Lembat is made of crushed meat mixed with grated coconut and spices. The meat is usually pork, chicken, duck, and turtle. Sate Lembat is served in Balinese ritual and traditional ceremonies. It is also available in many Balinese restaurants, along with Urutan, Babi Guling, and Lawar. |
Nasi Kuning Bali (Balinese Yellow Rice) |
Nasi Kuning Bali is a bit different from the common Nasi Kuning, especially from the spices and preparation. Nasi Kuning is usually served during Kuningan Day, the Balinese Hindhu Holy Day which comes every 210 days on Saniscara (Saturday) Kliwon Wuku Kuningan. Nowadays, Nasi Kuning is also served in other ceremonies such as birthday party, thanksgiving ceremony, etc. Nasi Kuning is served with fried chili spices, kemangi leaf, and green-peas. It is not available in Balinese restaurants. Balinese people usually prepare it only for ceremonies. |
Nasi Yasa (Yasa Rice) |
Nasi Yasa is Nasi Kuning combined with chicken, egg, and raw vegetable. Nasi Yasa is usually served in religious ceremonies such as Saraswati, Ciwalatri Day and as a ritual offering for the ancestors. |
Jajan Bantal | Jajan Bantal is well-known in all over Bali. The main ingredients of this snack are sticky rice, peas and fruits. Wrapped in coconut leaf, tied with a rope and steamed. This snack is prepared as a dish and ritual offering in certain ritual ceremonies such as Piodalan in the temples. | |  | |
Cerorot | Cerorot is usually produced in Tenganan Village, Karangasem regency, but it is also produced in other regions in Bali. Cerorot is made of rice flour, brown sugar, and salt, wrapped in twisted coconut leaf, and steamed. This snack is served with coffee or tea. It can last for only one day. | |  | |
Jajan Abug |
Jajan Abug is a Balinese traditional snack made of sticky rice with various shapes: cube, triangle, round, etc. It has many layers in red and white colors. This snack is specially made for Balinese ritual or traditional ceremonies. But sometimes it is also made for people’s consumption. |
Ayam Panggang Mesanten (Roasted Chicken with Coconut Sauce) |
Chicken is one of the materials used for Balinese ritual offerings. After being used for ritual offerings, the chicken is cooked with chilies to be served as a dish. Balinese people prefer to cook local chicken because it tastes better and is less fat than broiler chicken. Ayam Panggang Mesanten is one of Balinese well-known traditional recipes. |
Bubur Mengguh |
Bubur Mengguh is a kind of porridge, mixed with meat (chicken or fish), vegetable, and spices. This porridge is usually served in special occasions such as family gathering and any other occasions. |
| Jukut Ares | Jukut Ares is made of baby banana tree mixed with ribs and meat (cow, pork, duck), and spices. It is usually served in Balinese ritual ceremonies, dished up for family and people who assisted in arranging the ceremonies. Jukut Ares is served with rice. It is available in many restaurants in Bali regencies, such as Denpasar. | | |
Jukut Rambanan |
Jukut Rambanan is a kind of dish made of various vegetables. Cooked with coconut sauce that makes it tastes delicious. Good for digestion because of its various vegetables. Usually served with shrimp paste spices to make it more delicious. |
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